Product number CAS. Product Name   Packing Molecular formula Shopping Cart
AM8000760 , 1M LiBOB in DMC:EC=1:1 Vol%
AM8001259 , 0.5M NaPF6 in FEC:PC=1:49 Vol%
AM8001158 , 1M NaPF6 in DEC:EC=1:1 Vol% with 10%FEC
AM8000885 , 1M NaClO4 in EC:TETRAGLYME=1:1 Vol%
AM8000288 , 高倍率三元高镍电池电解液
AM8000139 , 1M LiPF6,0.01M LiPO2F2,0.02M LiODFP in EMC:EC:PC:FEC:PS:VC=7:1:1:0.65:0.25:0.1wt%
AM8000217 , 0.2M LiDFOB,1M LiPF6 in DFEA:EMC:FEC=1:2:1 Vol%
AM8000389 , 1.2M LiPF6 in EC:FEC:EP=3:1:6 Vol% with 1.5%VC
AM8000230 , 1M LiPF6 in DMC:EC:EMC=1:1:1 wt% with 5%FEC
AM8000193 , 1M LiPF6 in EC:EMC:FEC=1:6:1 wt% with 1%LiPO2F2,1%VC
AM8000224 , 1.0M LiPF6, 0.02M LiDFOB in EC:DMC=3:7 Vol%
AM8000111 , 1.5M LiPF6 in DEC:EC=1:1 Vol% with 2%VC
AM8000019 , 0.8M KPF6 in DME=100 Vol%
AM8000873 , 1.5M NaClO4,0.2M NaNO3 in TETRAGLYME=100 Vol%
AM8001229 , 正极 金属氧化物 负极 硬碳 2-4V -50-0度
AM8000452 , 1M LiTFSI in PC=100 Vol%
AM8001250 , 1M NaPF6 in DMC:EC:EMC:PC=4:1:4:1 Vol%
AM8000536 , 2M LiTFSI in DME:DOL=1:1 vol%
AM8000402 , 1M LiClO4 in DEC:EC=1:1 Vol%
AM8000918 , 1M NaClO4 in EMC:PC=1:1 Vol% with 4%FEC
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